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2023-04-02 19:25| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

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I don't understand how such a question arose on Quora. What is the motive behind such a question? "Just a few examples can prove that China has such a terrible lifestyle?"


Let me tell you something. I am a Frenchman and have lived in China for nearly three years. If I could stay there for ten years, I would be very lucky! China is a beautiful country with an extremely rich culture and traditions.


They have wonderful scenery; In fact, many of them are used for making movies. Remember "Mission Impossible 3"? Do you remember the end of this movie? It was shot in Xitang, an ancient village near Shanghai. This is a great old village.


No matter what you see on the news, the Chinese people are actually very kind... More than 1.3 billion Chinese people live in China, and you cannot expect them to be moral models. Every country in the world has stupid people. In fact, Chinese people are very smart.


It's great to live in China, especially in big cities like Shanghai and Beijing. "If you don't speak Chinese, living in a small city may be more difficult, but this is definitely not a" terrible "experience, far from it.". With an open mind, you can live almost anywhere.


Knowing this, you can compare China with Iraq, Afghanistan, North Korea, and countless African countries. Will someone say that China is a bad country, or even the worst in the world? "For someone who can say such stupid things, I guess you've never walked out of your country before. You've just read media reports, and no one has listed China as the worst/worst country in the world.".



Yes, in the eyes of most people around the world, China is the worst country. Do you know why? "Because they have never had the opportunity to visit China, and their knowledge of China comes from so-called journalists or similar people.".

In their eyes, we can't use Facebook, Instagram, or YouTube, so they say we don't have the Internet. "We don't have any famous car brands, so they say we don't have any high-end products.".


I don't remember the last time I drove on the highway. Do you know why? Because we have one of the best transportation systems in the world. We have bullet trains, high-speed trains. From Chongqing to Chengdu, I only need to buy a ticket using my mobile phone and click on it. I just need to pick up my ticket at the station and sit down. In addition, I can play with my mobile phone and sleep. About two hours later, I arrived.


I don't remember the last time I used cash. I just need to bring my phone. I think I can do anything with my phone. At that moment, I felt like I had the world. Do you feel the same way? I have deep doubts about this.


China is a developing country, but we hosted the world's best and most amazing Olympic Games in 2008. We don't have much money, so we use Taobao to buy some cheap things. "Because we don't have Amazon, or we can't afford anything from Amazon.". We don't have Black Friday, only Double Eleven. "What we can buy is something called 'Made in China', the ones you despise made in China.".


God, there are too many bad things in China. I don't think I can write them all down. In my opinion, you can say that China has the worst in the world. I think you can understand, right? Because you have a good education and receive the best education in the world. You are the smartest person. You don't even need to come to China, even once, you'll know how bad China is. You always like to use Quora to ask non stupid questions. These questions are really good, great, I don't know how to answer you. Because I'm afraid I'm not as smart as you. I'm afraid I can't give you a pleasant answer. Because China is really too bad. This is the worst country in the world, China. But I love this country.



Why do you think China is the worst country! Your media has shown you all the bad things that have happened in China, but they have not reported good things. For example:


-Sharing bicycles littering the streets- Ghost towns are everywhere- During the Yulin Festival, people eat dog meat- Chinese tourists behave impolitely everywhere- Chinese people are buying luxury goods and real estate everywhere- The relationship between the Chinese and their neighbors is not good, and so on.


Now let's review all the reasons and try to find some logic.


The bike sharing industry is profitable and successful because there are many people using bicycles in China. Imagine if all these people use cars like Americans? Then the problem will be even greater. I can fully imagine other countries being praised for sharing bicycles to make the earth greener, while China is being criticized for being littered with abandoned bicycles! Abandoned bicycles can be found everywhere for two main reasons. The first reason is that China has a large population, so its scale is even larger. The second reason is that during office hours, all bicycles in the vicinity have ridden into the city center, causing congestion. However, during break time, all bicycles will ride to their original destination.


China has a population of over 1 billion, so the gap is very large compared to 1 billion and 1 million. So don't assume that all Chinese people eat dogs. As you know, pigs, cats, chickens, and cows all have life. Don't think dogs are excellent just because they behave like best friends in movies and how friendly they are. A hungry dog will eat its owner if necessary.


Chinese tourists are very impolite. Well, some Chinese tourists do not have a good reputation. This matter has something to do with history. The Chinese people suffered from the Second World War, which basically plunged China into extreme poverty. The Chinese government was founded less than 100 years ago, and the cultural literacy of the people is limited. During this period, the Chinese people have enormous wealth, but their education level has not reached the standard. There, you saw a group of people in the tourist area. On the one hand, your country is opening its doors to Chinese tourists, and on the other hand, your country's attitude of disdain for the Chinese people.


Chinese people are buying property everywhere because of the sudden wealth explosion in China, and the most stable investment is in real estate. The Chinese people pay the same amount of money as you, and follow the same rules as you. Investing for profit is the basic business rule.


You have never heard of any border issues in Australia because Australia does not have any border territory. China has so many neighbors, and more than 10 countries border on China. China has disputes over the border issue, but have they ever fought in recent years? According to your media, several Chinese ships are patrolling the sea and engaged in some small-scale clashes with water guns, which sounds like an anchor based war is about to begin. However, you have sent troops to other countries and claimed that people live in poverty for no reason.



Yes, because


1. Poor Mandarin. A well-educated person in Chinese Mainland can speak beautiful Mandarin. Unfortunately, most Chinese people are not well-educated and speak poor Mandarin.


Simplified characters are disgusting. It's like one day, the United States government decided that not enough people could read, so they decided to use shortcuts such as single letters as the national written language.


3. Chinese people absolutely have no concept of queuing. This is just one manifestation of the general lack of politeness here. This is all part of the education deficit I mentioned earlier.


4. Pollution. I include not only terrible air pollution, but also noise pollution. As I walked around the city, the constant sound of horns on the street slowly drove me crazy. I know it's not just Chinese people, it's happening in many other places, but dude, they like to honk their horns here. Car horn. Bicycle horn. There is constant noise everywhere.


"If the sound of a trumpet doesn't drive you crazy, the sound of people coughing phlegm will work.". Perhaps it's because of poor air quality, but why do Chinese people have so much phlegm????


6. Chinese people like to shout. You usually find at least one or two people shouting angrily at someone on each block.


Generally speaking, the food here is very unpleasant. Hygiene is so low that it does not exist at all, and cooking skills are severely lacking. In China, I won't be caught eating anything from a street vendor. Just look at it and you'll be poisoned. Speaking of restaurants, the quality of service in China is also very poor. Due to cheap labor, the ratio of waiters to customers is often 2 to 1. However, most Chinese waiters do not know how to properly manage tables.


Architecture and design. The good building in the eyes of the Chinese people is a building modeled after the European Renaissance style, with many gold decorations, hoping for a unique top. Driving around Shanghai, you will notice that almost every building has some kind of "hat" on the top.


There are too many examples of pairing old people with sexy young people. This is too disgusting and sad. "I know that there are bigwigs happening all over the world, but the streets here are full of them.". As soon as you turn around, you see an old man hooked up with a beautiful young girl.


"Most goods made in China are terrible because many Chinese businessmen have terrible business values.". When a Chinese manufacturer signs a contract, if cutting corners can make more money for them or their family and friends, they often feel that they have little or no actual obligation to produce to specifications.



I have been to China twice in two different cities for a period of 8 months. I am also fortunate to have grown up in the United States for most of my life. I have also lived in Indonesia, Australia, and Singapore.


Is China the worst country? Absolutely not! But I won't place them among the top tier countries, such as the United States, Canada, Western Europe, and Japan.


If you live in a megacity, China is more like an A-level country. If you live in small towns and villages, China is a C-level country.


Although China is generally unable to meet the living standards of first-tier countries, they are much better than all developing countries.


? The public infrastructure throughout the country is world-class. Education and technology lack innovation, but are very solid and capable.


? The average personal income is two to four times that of developing countries, and continues to grow faster than most developing countries.


? The crime rate is relatively low.


? Although the government is like your strict Chinese parents, they are very capable and have achieved great results in various fields.


Women's rights and equality are among the highest in the world, although it still holds some traditional views, at least much better than in Japan, South Korea, and Muslim countries.


? Pollution is gradually decreasing every year.


? Increasing standards of safety, health, and living.


In 15-20 years, they may enter the first tier countries. Anyone who has been to China clearly knows that they are making progress every year. To deny this, you may harbor too much ignorance and hatred.



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